Week 7:Tar Baby Wins

Tar Baby Wins There once was this Rabbit called Brer Rabbit and a Fox called Brer Fox. They had this ongoing game where they would trick and outsmart each other with schemes they each devised. There was a particular day where Fox was tired of Brer Rabbit outsmarting him and starting scheming up a plan to show Brer-Rabbit who he really is. He gathered material and started working hard to trick Brer Rabbit. His final creation, which he made from tar mixed with turpentine, was called Tar-baby. He put a hat on this doll-like creature and placed her on the side of the road that he knows Brer-Rabbit takes. He hid in the bushes waiting for his plan to come to fruition. It did not take long for Brer Fox to hear the bold confident steps of Brer Rabbit. When Brer Rabbit passed by Tar-baby he looked surprised to see this figure with a hat just sitting on the side of the road. He got on his hind legs and looked at Tar-baby and then said, " Good morning! Pleasant weather we are hav...