Time Strategies

Time Management Picture

One of the articles I chose to read was The Important Habit of Just Starting, which basically spoke about getting over the hump of starting a project. This article was perfect for me because that is my main issue is just starting. The article mentioned how many people fall prey to procrastination and I am definitely one of them. One of the reasons is because people can't see the future reward and rather prefer immediate reward. So something I will change from now on is viewing how much doing something will help me in the future. Another important aspect is building the habit of just starting and get the ball rolling. One thing that I do when I feel like I have no motivation is to start with small things or even busy work I can get out of the way and that usually helps me to just get a good pace to do more work. Something that was mentioned in the article that I thought would help me is having a commitment device or something that will keep me in check from doing my work. An idea was maybe while there's projects or exams I need to put time for I delete my apps or other distractions until I have time for them. The second article, How to Beat Procrastination,  was almost the same as the first but it did give good advice as well! One of them was to commit publicly which I think is a great idea! I will feel more pressure to do what I gave my word to finish. Another important take from the article was to identify the first step sometimes just seeing the first part and realizing what you have to do will get you started to keep doing work. I plan to be more organized this semester by using and consistently keeping up with my planner. I did really well one semester with keeping up with a planner and something about just writing and crossing off your task felt pretty good! Best of luck to everyone this semester!


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