Reading Notes: the Iiad Part B
The Rousing of Achilles
Story source: The Iliad, retold by Alfred J. Church (1907).
The fight grew more when they fought for the body of Patroclus. Many men of both sides fell at this time. When hector approached the ship of Menelaüs he thrust his spear at him but he did so in vain. Hector stood over the body of Patroclus and Menelaüs knew he could not win in a battle against Hector.
Hector then spoiled the armor that Achilles let Patroclus went and did Patroclus a great dishonor. When Hector then attempted to drag the body back to the Trojans when Ajax put his shield before it defending it from Hector and his men. Ajax with great courage and strength defended the body of Patroclus. Like a mother defending its child from harm so fearless did Ajax the Greater fight. Hector seeing his great resolve drew back.
Glaucus in great anger spoke to hector saying" Have you no shame, Hector! You let the Trojans leave freely with Patroclus's corps. You were a coward before Ajax. How will the men follow you now to save your city? You help your enemy more than your own men. Even the Sarpēdon fell in this battle for you and Troy and you dishonor him greatly! If you had not been such a coward against Ajax we could have traded the body of Patroclus and his armor for Sarpēdon and honor him with a proper funeral."
Hector responded " I am no coward to Ajax or to any man. Zeus gives victory to one then another. I fear to go against the desires of Zeus."
Hector sent the armor of Patroclus to the city but the words of Glaucus resounded in his head. Hector then took the armor from the men and stripped his own armor of himself to put on Achilles
Zeus seeing this was angered by Hector's actions and thought to himself " Hector will pay for such dishonor."
All the men seeing this were stunned to see him for he looked like Achilles himself. when they set to battle and they grew fiercer as the battle went on.
For the Greeks said to themselves " We would rather be swallowed by the earth than to let the Trojans have the body of Patroclus."
The trojans thought to themselves " If the cost is life for fighting for this man's body then so be it but we will not relent."
The death of Patroclus caused despair in the hearts of the horses for they had a great love for him. They were on a hill outside of battle mourning, grieving, and crying. Their hearts are broken and the tears falling from their face, not even the charioteer could guide them to battle. Not words, lashes, threats, or gentle words could move them. They stood as statues mourning for Patroclus.
Zeus seeing this took pitty and said " Hector shall not possess you for he already dishonored enough by wearing the armor of Achilles. "
The horses finally moved and obeyed them and hector could not take them.
When the trojans grew with the upper hand in battle and the Greeks grew weary Ajax told Menelaüs " ho find Antilŏchus and plead him to run to Achilles with the news that the Greeks fight for the body of Patroclus.
Menelaüs found Antilŏchus on the left side of the battle and told him " I have terrible news for you. The Trojans grow with the upper hand in battle and Patroclus died in battle. You must hastily run and tell Achilles for we may still have time to save his body from Hector and his men."
Antilŏchus with great sadness and tears in his eyes could not say anything for the news was so disheartening. He hurried to tell Achilles of the news of Patroclus.
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Achilles sadenned by the death of Patroclus |
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